Here’s a nice little tiny house from premium builders Wheelhaus. Called RoadHaus, it’s shaped like a wedge and has an awesome roof that lets in lots of light thanks to all that glazing.
The RoadHaus measures between 160 to 240 sq ft (14.8 to 22.2 sq m) and its interior layout is flexible. The exterior includes a covered deck and it’s clad in cement board siding with a metal roof
Once inside, the layout is all on one floor. The home includes a small living area with couch and TV. The kitchen is nearby and so is the bathroom – there’s not a lot of space in this tiny house!
The bedroom is at the far-end of the home and includes a double bed.
The home gets power from a standard RV-style hookup and is on the market for $63,500 and up.
More info: Wheelhaus